Tuesday, May 16, 2006

recent reads

Since Christmas the Doon Reading Group have tackled Eve Green by Susan Fletcher, The secrets of Jin-Shei by Alma Alexander and And God created the Au-Pair by Pascale Smets and Benedicte Newland.
Eve Green was mostly enjoyed by the group although they did not find it entirely convincing.
Some group members loved Jin-Shei but several others hated it and were unable to finish it.
And God created the au-pair was a very light frothy quick read which most members enjoyed, mainly for the one-liners. We did wonder about the title as the au-pair doesn't feature much in the book!
After the Easter holidays members brought in books of their own to swop with other members.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Last 3 months

Since Christmas the group has grown and we now have 11members. We have been busy reading a mix of books.
By accident I discovered that other local schools also have staff reading groups so we are going to see if we can't organise some sort of joint event like and author visit or a night out or even a night out to see an author!